The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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The Richmond Primary Academy

We are working to ensure that high expectations and standards serve every pupil within our academy community.

Academy Information

Learning today for a better tomorrow:
we are The Richmond Primary Academy.

The Richmond Primary Academy is a David Ross Education Trust academy of over 400 children and almost 70 dedicated staff.

Our Vision and Values

Our vision is:

Inspiring children to have the skills, confidence and high aspirations that they need to do their best in life. A Richmond learner will be:

  • Skilled academically, with a love of reading 
  • Aspirational 
  • Prepared and organised 
  • Able to communicate well 
  • Resilient and self-aware 
  • Confident and adventurous 

Our values are:

  • HopeWe recognise our own potential and work hard to turn our dreams into reality.
  • FriendshipWe love each other. We ensure that every member of our school family is recognised and accepted. 
  • ForgivenessWe take seriously what we have done wrong. We try our best to not repeat our poor actions. Every day is a fresh start.
  • CompassionWe show kindness to, and deep respect for, one another. We welcome, nurture and support everyone in our school family.
  • ThankfulnessWe know that it is always important to show gratitude and to remember to say thank you.
  • WisdomWe all recognise our own talents, and the things that we find difficult. We embrace and learn from every experience, positive or negative.

Our rules are:

  • We are kind.
  • We are respectful.
  • We make the right choices.

Our School Day

08:30  Doors open
08:45  Registration
09:00  Registers close
10:20 - 10:40  Playtime (EYFS and KS1)
10:45 - 11:05  Playtime (KS2)
12:15 - 13:15  Lunchtime
15:15  Hometime

This totals 32.5 hours per week (including break and lunchtimes).


Pupils are vertically arranged into our 4 houses, named after the coxes of the local RNLI lifeboats:

  • Chapman
  • Holland
  • Irving
  • Martin

Each house has a team captain, who represents her or his house.

House points can be earned for excellent conduct or work and can be awarded by any staff member. These are recorded as part of The Richmond Primary Academy reward system.

Once per term, a house challenge will be held – either sporting, academic or pastoral - and pupils will be encouraged to join up with house members from other classes and year groups to complete these challenges.


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