Information about the current and recent learning of each class and year group.
EYFS Reception
EYFS Documents
Year 1
Year 1 is taught by Miss Leetham (class 1K) and Mrs Rutherford (class 1R).
Y1 Documents
Year 2
Year 2 is taught by Mrs Sharp (class 2S) and Mr Woodhouse (class 2W).
Y2 Documents
Year 3
Year 3 is taught by Mr Danks (class 3D) and Miss Johnson (class 3J).
Y3 Documents
Year 4
Year 4 is taught by Mrs Harness (class 4H) and Mr Liversidge (class 4L).
Y4 Documents
Year 5
Year 5 is taught by Mr Ball (class 5B) and Mrs O'Dare (class 5O).
Y5 Documents
Year 6
Year 6 is taught by Miss Green (class 6G) and Mrs Sylvester (class 6S).
Y6 Documents