Every child should have access to a healthy, balanced and nutritious school meal.
As an academy, we strongly believe in the social benefits of children eating together in a ‘family’ atmosphere and therefore we hope that parents will support our school meals provider, First Meals.
Families receiving certain income-related benefits may be eligible for free meals and confidential information is available from the school office if you would like to find out if you qualify.
We provide nutritionally-balanced, delicious meals cooked in line with the dietary requirements of the children in our school. A range of options is provided each day, including two main courses, sandwiches and jacket potatoes. Meals do need to be booked in advance; please contact the school office for more information. Meals can be chosen and paid for on ParentPay.
On the First Meals website, an example menu can be downloaded: First Meals Example Menu
Hot Meals
Every child in Reception and Years 1 and 2 is entitled to a free school meal.
Food for other year groups can be ordered for a whole term at the start of each term. You can pay in daily, weekly or termly instalments.
Meals cost £2.60 each.
Packed Lunches
If your child is bringing a packed lunch, please send the lunch in a plastic box with the child’s name clearly marked. Please ensure that non-fizzy drinks are in a secure plastic container. We are a healthy school and discourage sweets or chocolate at lunchtimes.
Morning Break
All children receive a morning break when they are able to eat a healthy snack from home.
Children in the EYFS and Key Stage 1 are given a piece of fruit or a carrot as part of the National Fruit Scheme. Children in Key Stage 2 are encouraged to bring their own piece of fruit or a breakfast bar.
We encourage all our children to bring a sports bottle filled with water to drink during the day. Drinking water helps children's brains to function better and keeps them more alert.
Milk is provided free of charge to children under five. If you are interested in paying for your older child to receive milk, please visit CoolMilk.
Milk is delivered to school and stored in a fridge to ensure the children enjoy a cool drink at break time.